Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Fun in Speech/Language Therapy!

Happy Fall everyone!

To celebrate the start of a new season, the past 2 weeks in speech therapy focused on fall-themed activities.  One game I played with my kiddos was Scarecrow Memory.  This was a great activity to target both speech and language goals.  The game was played just like any other Memory game (where you start off with all the cards, or in this case scarecrows, flipped over so you can't see which scarecrow is which).  Scarecrows were matched by color.  The student with the most matches at the end was the winner!

Many of my speech only kiddos enjoyed getting to make "speech spiders" in therapy.  The body of the spider had the sound we have been working on in therapy (or in the case of some language kids, a vocabulary category), and students then got to draw the face. Each of the legs had a word that contained their target sound, that they had to practice before they could glue on the leg. Many of these speech spiders are now crawling around on the walls of my speech room!

Students also enjoyed getting to draw their own pumpkins!  Using a game called "Roll a Pumpkin," students would first practice their articulation and language skills, and then get a chance to roll a dice.  The order in which they drew in all the parts of their pumpkin depended on the number they rolled on the dice.  Each kiddo got to give their pumpkins a stem, nose, mouth, teeth, eyes, and even some silly accessories such as earrings and hats.  

The students have really seemed to enjoy getting into the fall spirit!  Click here for some more great activities to help build your child's language. Please continue to check back frequently with our therapy blog, especially with Halloween right around the corner!


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